Our $99 Lockdown Meat Box
UPDATE: Our Lamb Leg Roast is now Sold Out and has been replaced by Boneless Lamb Shoulder
Like you we’re all fed up with lockdown so to put a smile on your dial and good food on you table we have put this (as Steve says) "ripper" of a box worth $180 which contains everything you and the family need to get through another week of being stuck in the house!
Our Lockdown Box was created with the intention to bring you a variety of meats from our farm and terrain to your table. Think of this as some Lockdown help for cooking and meal planning with a box that can cater to all your household tastes. This box is being offered at $99 with free delivery next Friday if you order by this Tuesday at 8am.
#castleestate, #meatdonebetter, #grassfedonly, #grassfed, #asnatureintended, #conciousfarmingfortheconciousconsumer, #freerange, #rebrand, #thebettertheylivethebettertheytaste
Supporting Small Businesses All The Way
- All gluten free
- All natural
- All delicious
Established in 2013, Josh and Sue’s gourmet selection offers a range of condiments and ingredients that can add that extra touch of flavour to any meal. They also have a wide range of recipes for you to choose from, taking the hassle out of your next food choice.
This was what Hippocrates discovered over 2500 years ago however it has only recently, in the last decade or so, come under the spotlight when it comes to our general health.
So what does it mean to have a healthy gut? Pro-biotics and pre-biotics are key to maintaining a healthy gut and we can ingest them in our foods and in additional supplements also. One of the popular foods that has come into the spotlight for gut health is bone broth.
Bone broth is made using both meaty joints and bones. It is simmered for hours to enable the protein, vitamins and minerals and collagen to infuse into the liquid. It can be consumed like sipping tea or used as a base for soups as you like.
If you are looking to make your very own bone broth, we recommend this recipe that we love from the nourished kitchen.
Many people sip bone broth or begin making it at home, because they’ve heard that it may support digestion, fortify the immune system, or help reverse visible signs of aging. And while bone broth is an excellent source of collagen and a nutritious foods, its specific benefits are less clear.
Bone broth is rich in a protein called gelatin, made from dissolved collagen. Collagen is found in connective tissue. While the amount of protein will vary depending on volume of water used, types of bones and length of cooking, most bone broth contains about 10 grams of protein per 8-oz serving.
It’s also rich in the amino acids like glycine and proline. Glycine is an important neurotransmitter that has anti-inflammatory properties and supports the immune system (1). Proline, along with other key nutrients like vitamin C, helps to support healthy joint health and collagen production (2).
Bone broth contains B vitamins like niacin and riboflavin, both of which play a role in metabolism. They also help your body break down carbohydrates, proteins and fats to produce energy. (3,4)
Bone broth is rich in glucosamine and chondroitin, two nutrients that help support joint health. (5)
Bone broth contains trace amounts of minerals, but, despite popular claims, it is not a good source of calcium, phosphorus or other minerals.
If you have any great tips on how to prep your bone broth please share with us!
To set up an account for your weekly orders, contact us.
Address: 191 Purrumbete Estate Rd, Koallah, VIC 3260
Telephone: +61 3 5594 5222
Fax: +61 3 8677 5469
Email: info@castleestate.com.au
We invite you to touch, feel, see and taste this region of the Victoria with the hand selection of local produces from our Providore store.
Food is life and we celebrate that in all that we do. We cherish the animals that provide us with our incredible tasting meats and we also love to work with the best artisan food and beverage companies who share the same values and principles as we do.
If you are looking for an extra special gift fit for any occasion, our artisan food gift baskets are the perfect package! You will find a wonderful mix of incredible tasting meats with complimentary condiments and treats to surprise and delight even the fussiest foodies. Uncover brands you never heard of and tastes you haven’t experienced before at the click of a button delivered to your door.
The providore store is the true expression of our inner passionate foodie and we believe you will be just as inspired and engaged with these brands and their delicious products as we are.
You can now order online at:
To stay in the loop, visit castleestate.com.au and signup to our newsletter.
The Castle Family.
At Castle Estate we believe “home is where the heart is” and gathering around the dinner table sharing top quality food with the people we love is one of life’s simple but most treasured pleasures. We are lucky to have at our fingertips the most fresh, tasty and nutritious meat available and we love sharing that with you. We only slaughter to order ensuring fresh food is delivered to your door. So why not order your favourites online at our Providore store and enjoy some of our community produce just in time for New Years delivery.
To stay in the loop, visit castleestate.com.au and signup to our newsletter.
The Castle Family.
Our Farming principles
At Castle Estate we turnover paddocks regularly, we don't over breed, and we let nature take its course. It is not about fast growing yield, it's about sustainability in all areas of farming. The paddocks provide the most nutritionally balanced diet for farm animals which is essential for them to maintain optimal health. So it makes sense that a healthy animal will provide not only great tasting meat but meat with nutritional value that can bolster the health of the person consuming it.
To stay in the loop, visit castleestate.com.au and signup to our newsletter.
The Castle Family.
Who are we – Castle Family
Castle Estate is located in Camperdown, South-West Victoria. Situated on the banks of Lake Purrumbete, the estate consists of 905 acres of some of the country’s most fertile agricultural land. We come from seven generations of the Castle family who have been farming on this land since 1851. Ethical, natural and sustainable farming is in our blood. We advocate humane farming practices with no intervention, no antibiotics and no lot feeding. Our animals live as nature intended and this is key because not only do we respect the animals, we believe that the better they live, the better the taste.
Castle Estate have you covered.
We have carefully curated a range of artisan food and beverage products that we believe are hero products both from small businesses within our local community and throughout the great state of Victoria. These are all tried and tested by the Castle Estate family and are regular features in our pantry and on our plates.
The Providore store is the true expression of our inner passionate foodie and we believe you will be just as inspired and engaged with these brands and their delicious products as we are.
Order online now for shipping before Christmas.
Should you eat meat from grass-fed or grain-fed animals? This big question tends to bring a lot of confusion especially if you do not know what entails the feeding process and the resultant effects. What these animals eat affects the overall nutrient composition of their meat.

The feeding process
All animals start with a milk diet in the first 7-9 months of their lives. Grass-fed animals proceed to feed on grass and pasture throughout their lives. Grain-fed animals are placed in feedlots where they are confined to stalls.
They feed on such grains as wheat, corn, soy, barley, and sorghum. These animals receive growth hormones and antibiotics to maximize their growth.
What is best for animals is to roam free and eat as nature intended not be injected or forced into feedlots.
Effect on quality and taste
The different diets contribute to the quality and taste of the meat. Grass-fed animals give beef that has slightly yellow coloured fat. The pigment in grass results in this hue. Though the meat quality is not affected, its flavour is more complex.
Grain-fed animals have beef whose fat is brighter and whiter. The meat is more marbled resulting from the high amounts of fat and sugar in the grains. The flavour of this beef is buttery.
Nutritive value
What these animals eat directly correlates to the nutrients in their beef. The table below summarizes the composition of fatty acids in their beef.
The omega-3 and Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA) have health benefits. This makes the beef from grass-fed animals more nutritious. It contains a higher amount of Vitamin A and E compared to beef from grain-fed animals. It is also rich in antioxidants. The beef from grass-fed animals tends to be leaner with a different texture.

Additional benefits of grass-fed animals
- On the environment – grass and other types of pasture do not require fertilisers and pesticides to grow. When animals graze directly on the pasture, they add to the soil's fertility. This in turn reduces carbon emissions.
The same does not apply for grains. They have to be cultivated using monoculture farming and at times deforestation happens. The soil under grass retains a lot more carbon and organic matter within the ground as opposed to the soil under cultivation.
- For farmers – it is cheaper to feed animals on grass and pasture. You do not have to worry about purchasing or budgeting for their feed. Grass-fed animals rarely fall sick and so do not require constant veterinary attention.
- For animals – are healthy throughout their lifecycle and their meat is flavourful. The meat quality is unique and the nutritional value is high.
Is grass-fed or grain-fed beef more sustainable?
When you observe best practice in grazing, you enable significant carbon sequestration. This increases the soil's biomass. You end up with more carbon in the soil, better water infiltration, and more soil microbes.
Grazing helps maintain a healthy ecosystem. The animal manure helps maintain the soil's fertility by returning nutrients in the soil. Since the grazing ground is not cultivated, the grass is deep-rooted. It holds the soil well thus preventing soil erosion. All these lead to the ecosystem's regeneration making grass-fed beef more sustainable.

Key Takeaway
This article has clearly elaborated that what goes into an animal determines the quality of its meat. Grass-fed animals provide beef that enhances your health. They also help maintain a healthy ecosystem. The numerous benefits highlighted above show that grass-fed beef is the way to go. Choose grass-fed animals and help keep your planet intact.
If you are conscious about your health, try out Castle Estate Meat.
Email: info@castleestate.com.au
Phone: +61 3 5594 5222