Dry stone walling in Australia emerged in the mid 1800’s in areas where a proliferation

I’m having Chicken tonight!:
Just like our cows, we believe all animals should live pasture raised in the most natural environment possible. Castle Estate Chickens are raised free range on our farm.
Let’s talk about the meaning of Free range.
“Free-range” is a term that refers to a method of animal husbandry where animals are able to roam freely outdoors rather than being confined by an enclosure for 24 hours a day. that can be interpreted in many different ways. Larger producers, unfortunately, have been known to follow only the letter of the law, not its spirit, and put open windows or small doors that lead to paved patches of the ground at the ends of large, crowded hen houses that are from anyone’s idyllic notion of farm life or the best possible life for a chicken. These chickens can then legally be labeled “free-range” even though their habitat is far from what anyone would consider all that free.
Smaller farm like us give their chickens real freedom during the day to explore far and wide. Just like if you have your own chicks in your backyard.
#castleestate, #meatdonebetter, #grassfedonly, #grassfed, #asnatureintended, #conciousfarmingfortheconciousconsumer, #freerange, #rebrand, #thebettertheylivethebettertheytaste