Dry stone walling in Australia emerged in the mid 1800’s in areas where a proliferation

Ethical Farming Practises:
We have our very own on site abattoir on our property in 2014, to help ensure we have complete control of the supply chain from paddock to plate. Where we uphold the most humane practices to support the animals through transition and guarantee the best tasting meat is delivered. Each and every animal can be traced from farm to plate, giving the customer a piece of mind.Here at Castle Estate we specialise in cattle farming but understand that there is more to meat than just Beef. So we work with other local farms who specialise in lamb, chicken and pork who uphold the same humane farming, no intervention and pasture fed practices, we offer production services to other farmers and we process the widest range of species of any abattoir in Australia.
#castleestate, #meatdonebetter, #grassfedonly, #grassfed, #asnatureintended, #conciousfarmingfortheconciousconsumer, #freerange, #rebrand, #thebettertheylivethebettertheytaste