Dry stone walling in Australia emerged in the mid 1800’s in areas where a proliferation

Better for you, better for the environment:
The way our food is grown, manufactured and distributed is causing serious damage to our environment, farmers, animals, communities and health. With between 30% and 60% of our personal eco-footprint embodied in the food that we buy, it has never been more important to educate ourselves and our children about where our food comes from.
Buying local seasonal produce means you don’t pay for extra charges like transportation and storage which is part of out of season foods, it also produces a great opportunity for you to learn something different, connect with your local farmers and get back to nature.
#castleestate, #meatdonebetter, #grassfedonly, #grassfed, #asnatureintended, #conciousfarmingfortheconciousconsumer, #freerange, #rebrand, #thebettertheylivethebettertheytaste