Dry stone walling in Australia emerged in the mid 1800’s in areas where a proliferation
Clean Farming Practices
Clean farming practices
As a family we have farmed the way we believe farming should be done, keeping it simple and doing what is both natural and ethical.
When you farm in alignment with hature, sustainable farming is the result. We advocate humane farming practices with no intervention, no antibiotics and no lot feeding. Our animals live as nature intended, free to roam, pasture raised and fed and this is key because not only do we respect the animals, we believe that the better they live, the better the taste.
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#castleestate, #meatdonebetter, #grassfedonly, #grassfed, #asnatureintended, #conciousfarmingfortheconciousconsumer, #freerange, #rebrand, #thebettertheylivethebettertheytaste