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Terrain to table
At Castle Estate we Castle Estate upholds a ‘cool to be kind’ philosophy, we are undeterred by demand, as the Castle Estate ethos is guided by nature’s instincts, versus man’s greed, with a century of family-farming heritage upheld by our Victorian-based Castle clan.
A project of love, Castle Estate cultivates exemplary meat in alignment with nature’s course, free from artificial intervention or hormones. This means the animal is forever the focal point of care for our family of farmers, with tremendous respect shown in the trajectory undergone from paddock to plate or as we like to say terrain to table.

Compassion is paramount to us when it comes to rearing animals for the purpose of food. Ultimately, a stress-free, happy animal results in nutritious and consciously-cultivated produce. Castle Estate animals are strictly ‘free range’, translating to a free-to-roam existence, free from the confinements and oppression of feedlot farming. The animal consumes grass naturally in daily paddock grazing, with none of the antibiotics intervention synonymous with the alternative of grain-feeding.

The Castle way also omits any long-haul travel, within the paddocks situated on site is our Abattoir. This results in less stress for the animal, with no need for suffocating trucks piled high with animals together, prior to slaughter. The overall experience for the animals is a better quality of life, freedom to roam expansive paddocks, shelter under the Castle Estate trees and sheds for winter’s cooler climes.

After all we believe “the better they live, the better they taste”. And so from terrain to table, an enduring respect for the animal is balanced with a dedication to producing the most delicious produce for Australians to indulge in and we invite you to try some of our range in your weekly cooking today.

Once again from our family to yours, we would like to thank you for your business, we are always grateful for your support. Thank you for choosing us. Happy cooking,
The Castle Family.
Address: 191 Purrumbete Estate Rd, Koallah, VIC 3260
Telephone: +61 3 5594 5222